
Kean Eye Video is Southwest Florida's premier prompter service. We provide both presidential style and through-lens systems so whatever your prompting needs are, we've got you covered.

Camera-mounted prompters are ideal for taped situations when the on-camera spokesperson needs to maintain eye contact with the audience while still presenting the prepared material precisely. This type of sytem is often used when taping commercials or other video presentations such as product demonstration Our systems are universal setups to accomodate today's wide range of camera sizes.

The Presidential Series prompters consist of specially designed metallic-coated beam-splitter glass panels mounted at eye level to the speaker. Both the glass and source monitor are freely positionable to adjust to any situation. These systems are primarily used for live speaking engagements in front of an audience. Presidential Series prompters are nearly invisible to the audience, yet provide bright, clear text to the speaker.

Both systems are controlled by a professional operator and allow for easy editing of the script.

Kean Eye Video Services has everything you need for complete professional prompter services right here in Fort Myers and Naples and throughout ALL of Southwest Florida. If needed, these systems are completely portable to allow statewide service.


Kean Eye Prompting on location with PGA veteran Peter Jacobsen.


Kean Eye Prompting setting up for a political advertisement.